Abolishing The Borders From Below (12)
Active Distribution (17)
AK Press (1)
Apolonia Dwurnik (1)
Atelier de creation libertaire (1)
Bęc Zmiana (11)
Centrala (2)
Centrum Architektury (2)
Comixiade (1)
Dark Dragon Books (1)
Dialog (1)
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Fundacja Inna Przestrzeń (2)
Fundacja Witryna (3)
Galeria Miejska Arsenał (9)
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Instytut Sztuki Wyspa (6)
Karakter (1)
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KUŚ! (11)
Muzeum Powstania Warszawskiego (1)
Muzeum Sztuki w Łodzi (3)
Oficyna Trojka (1)
Other Forms, The Journal of Aesthetics and Protest (1)
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Wildcat (1)
Workers Solidarity (2)
Wydawnictwo CM (1)
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagielońskiego (1)
Радикальная теория и практика (13)
Власть и тело - Мария Рахманинова

В книге исследуется проблема власти и последовательно устанавливается универсальная процедура,
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Wysyłka w: 24 godziny
Анархия? Нет, но да! - Джеймс Скотт

«Анархия — это утопия», «Люди не будут ничего делать сообща, если их не заставлять», «
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Wysyłka w: 24 godziny
Путешествие по местам лишения - Иван Асташин

Иван Асташин — политзаключённый, фигурант первого в длинной цепочке придуманных спецслужбами дел,
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Wysyłka w: 24 godziny
Hercule Poirot. Het ABC Mysterie - Agatha Christie

Een race tegen de klok is begonnen. Poirot ontvangt een brief waarin een moord in Andover aangekondigd wordt, en dat hij het kan voorkomen. Helaas, de moord is gepleegd. Een tweede brief kondigt een nieuwe misdaad aan, dit keer in Bexhill. Komt Poirot deze keer op tijd? En waarom misdaden in steden in alfabetische volgorde? Is het het werk van een gek, of zit er een andere reden achter deze reeks van moorden? Hercule Poirot zal nogmaals al zijn grijze cellen aan het werk moeten zetten om de dader te ontmaskeren.
Dostępność: na wyczerpaniu
Wysyłka w: 24 godziny
Еду ў Магадан - Ігар Аліневіч

Ігар Аліневіч, беларускі анархіст. У 2010 годзе быў абвінавачаны ў нападзе на амбасаду РФ у Мінску...
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Anarchism. What it Really Stands For and A New Declaration of Independence - Emma Goldman

THE history of human growth and development is at the same time the history of the terrible struggle of every new idea heralding the approach of a brighter dawn.
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That slow and arduous liberation of the individual was not accomplished by the aid of the State. On the contrary, it was by continuous conflict, by a life-and death struggle with the State, that even the smallest vestige of independence and freedom has been won. It has cost mankind much time and blood to secure what little it has gained so far from kings, tsars and governments.
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Aminullah – Carrie McKinnon

This magnificent comic explores immigration and activities against border enforcement.
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This pocket book version of an Amsterdam based booklet is an “Assorted box of anarchist critiques of Noam Chomsky! Heretical? Hopefully interesting.
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Defending Veganism, Defending Animal Rights - Gerfried Ambrosch

Veganism has come under attack from all sorts of groups.
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Bakunin brand Vodka. Anarchism in early Punk 1976-1980 - Dickhead Bidge

Even the self-declared anarchists of early punk didn’t know their Bakunin from their Smirnoff. But even prior to the emergence of anarcho-punk and similar scenes, anarchist currents are apparent in early punk, and remains the core principle of punk organisation, networking and production.
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Great Anarchists - Ruth Kinna, Clifford Harper

Great Anarchists by Ruth Kinna and Clifford Harper started life as a pamphlet series. We’ve collected all ten essays and illustrations together to make this beautiful book.
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The Machine and Its Discontents. A Fredy Perlman Anthology - Fredy Perlman

A new collection of essays by Fredy Perlman, divided into sections on Worker-Student Uprisings; Critique of Political Economy; Critique of Leaders; Critique of Nationalism; Critique of 'Progress'. Includes bibliography and index.
Dostępność: brak towaru
The Bolshevik Myth. Diary 1920-22 - Alexander Berkman

Beckman's Diary from 1920 to 1922 including the text known as The Anti-Climax. With a new introduction by Mikhail Tsovma.
Dostępność: brak towaru
The Prisoner’s Herbal - Nicole Rose

Prisoners all over the world commonly experience medical neglect and a dehumanising separation from wild places. However, weeds come up through the concrete cracks. This book contains detailed profiles of ten plants that are commonly found in prison yards. It is based on my use of plants during my own 3.5-year prison sentence, with suggestions on how to prepare medicines in prison with limited resources.
Dostępność: brak towaru