Abolishing The Borders From Below (12)
Active Distribution (17)
AK Press (1)
Apolonia Dwurnik (1)
Atelier de creation libertaire (1)
Bęc Zmiana (11)
Centrala (2)
Centrum Architektury (2)
Comixiade (1)
Dark Dragon Books (1)
Dialog (1)
DIIR (1)
Fundacja Inna Przestrzeń (2)
Fundacja Witryna (3)
Galeria Miejska Arsenał (9)
Ha!art (6)
HMKV (2)
Instytut Adama Mickiewicza (2)
Instytut Sztuki Wyspa (6)
Karakter (1)
Konemann (1)
Książka i Prasa (1)
KUŚ! (11)
Muzeum Powstania Warszawskiego (1)
Muzeum Sztuki w Łodzi (3)
Oficyna Trojka (1)
Other Forms, The Journal of Aesthetics and Protest (1)
Pelican Books (1)
Raster (1)
Red&Black (3)
Stenrberg Press (1)
Thames of Hudson (1)
The Federalist (1)
Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther Konig (1)
Wildcat (1)
Workers Solidarity (2)
Wydawnictwo CM (1)
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagielońskiego (1)
Радикальная теория и практика (13)
Quarks, Elephants & Pierogi: Poland in 100 words - Praca zbiorowa

Czy da się ująć specyfikę kraju i jego języka w zaledwie stu słowach? Sądzimy, że tak.
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Crass reflections - Alastair Gordon

This book comprises an undergraduate monograph an essays written in the mid 1990s. The central theme sets up and critically examines the need to examine the work of the anarchist punk band Crass in light of a poverty of discussion of their activities in previous cultural studies writings on punk.
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mini kuš! #1 - Ruedi Schorno - Bearslayer Returns

With ‘Bearslayer Returns’
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Wysyłka w: 24 godziny
KUŚ! #7 July 2010 music

kuš! #7 is dedicated to music with comics from International cartoonists who make music.
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š! #5 December 2009 After Snowfall

š! #5 contains comics from international cartoonists about the freezing theme "After Snowfall"
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KUŚ! #8 September 2010

kuš! #8 is a comics anthology from Latvia featuring short stories fro International artists.
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š! #4 August 2009 Lost in the City

The fourth issue of (ku)š! is about getting lost or being lost in the city.
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š! #6 June 2010 From Kurzeme to Kušzeme

Special issue for the 400th anniversary of Duke Jakob Kettler...
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š! #10 March 2012 Sea Stories

š! #10 will contain comics from international artists about the theme "Sea Stories".
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š! #2-3 2009 Budēļi - Childhood & Matches

This is a double issue designed like a flip book with comics from International artists about the themes childhood and masks.
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š! #8 September 2011 Midnight Sun

š! #8 contains comics from Finnish cartoonists about the theme "Midnight Sun".
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The Federalist year XXXI, 1989, number 2

The Federalist was founded in 1959 by Mario Albertini.
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Red & Black Revolution nr 9/2005

A magazine of libertarian communism
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Wysyłka w: 24 godziny
Red & Black Revolution nr 8

A magazine of libertarian communism
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Wysyłka w: 24 godziny
Red & Black Revolution nr 7/2003

A magazine of libertarian communism
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Wysyłka w: 24 godziny
Klassenkämpfe im Sozialismus - Thekla 13

U.a. Autonome Arbeiterkämpfe gegen sozialistische...
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Wysyłka w: 24 godziny